我需要你的贊助及支持! 快點聯絡 我啦!
The trip details:
We are eager to work with volunteer such as yourself and your friends to invest in the capacity to assist thousands more of the families in need, bringing hope to their future lives. Thank you for your support for our work! I hope you find the attachment regarding our first open built in China is helpful to for your decision making process.
我們熱切地工作與志願者,例如你自己和你的朋友在金錢上能幫協助數以萬計家庭,為他們帶來希望使將來的生活更好。 謝謝你對我們工作上的支持! 我們期望這樣的工作能幫助有需要的國內人民。
Reasons to host an open team
Open build team is created for volunteer who are dedicated in volunteer in Sichuan, however, did not have time to host their own team. Therefore, HFH China decided for the first time this year to host a OPEN build team to give an equal opportunity to all who are interested in participating in a Habitat’s build.
修建房屋團隊志願者在協助四川計劃的原因是沒有時間安排他們自己志願者小組, 所以HFH中國今年第一次決定安排一個修建房屋團隊協助災民重建家園。
For reference about the open build, please see below or attached document Information Package -pdf.

Please find THIS LINK regarding Sichuan Rebuild in February 2009,
For details about the RTHK documentary, please click to the THIS LINK.
For further photos and information about Habitat for Humanity China's build, add yourself to our Facebook account!
Name of Facebook book account : Habitat for Humanity China
Today, an estimated 1,500,000 people, many of them in our region, live in homes they have built with Habitat. Currently, Habitat for Humanity China has project sites available for Global Volunteers to join in Yunnan, Guangxi, Guangdong and Sichuan Provinces. You are welcome to come and help build anywhere that we have construction. Besides participating in the open build, you are welcome to create your own team of 10 -20 volunteers and join us to support our mission.
今天,估計約有1,500,000人,都是由我們的義工們協助下完成重建家園的工作包括︰雲南、廣西、廣東和四川省。歡迎你自組10 -20位志願者加入我們一齊完成我們的使命。
Besides real construction, there are numerous ways that you could help make a difference with us, whether through spreading the word of our work, appealing technical or financial support to our mission, fundraising, mobilizing group of volunteers to participate in real construction, or a combination of these possibilities. You may circulate relevant information out to your group of community and spreading our work to a greater community.
