Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong
School of Playback Theatre (Hong Kong)
一人一故事劇場體驗同樂工作坊 (編號:RTP09_002)
Playback Theatre Experiential Course: Experiential Workshop (Code: RTP09-002)
You will taste some basic forms of performance in Playback Theatre; also you will experience the core principals of Playback Theatre, like respect and non-judgmental listening and sharing.
*工作坊以粵語進行 Workshop is conducted in Cantonese
對象 Target participants:18歲或以上 (無需有參與一人一故事劇場訓練之經驗) 18 or above with no or only a little experience in Playback Theatre
名額 Quota:20
日期 Date:2009年5月31日 (星期日) 31 May 2009 (Sunday)
時間 Time:上午10時至下午5時(一小時用膳時間) 10am-5pm (1-hr meal break)
地點 Venue:香港展能藝術會 共融藝術工房 ADA Inclusive Arts Studio
九龍石硤尾白田街30號 賽馬會創意藝術中心L3-04室
L3-04, JCCAC, 30 Pak Tin Street,
Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon, Hong Kong
費用 Workshop Fees:$500 (會員ADA members )/$650 (非會員Non ADA members)
導師 Facilitator:廖佩芳 Mercy Liu
Mercy Liu, graduate of Playback Theatre Leadership Programmes from the School of Playback Theatre. She is now a freelance drama educator and artist. Also, she is a professional member of International Playback Theatre Network. Since 2001, Mercy serves different communities through Playback Theatre. Moreover, she has been performing and facilitating Playback Theatre in different places.
Enclosed please find the workshop description and application form
查詢 Enquiry
盧君亮 先生 (Andy Lo)
電話 Tel:2777 8665
傳真 Fax:2777 8669
