26.4.2009 八仙嶺郊野公園屏風山
毋懼挑戰,種植未來 - 「植樹先鋒召集中!」
《綠野先鋒》是一個集「植樹 + 遠足比賽」於一身的活動。我們誠邀唔怕辛苦、喜愛樹木的朋友一起參加。
Nature-lovers to fall in - Tree-planting Challenge 2009 (TPC)
26.4.2009 Ping Fung Shan, Pat Sin Leng Country Park
The dry weather and human carelessness in last winter have destroyed big pieces of our beautiful countryside. We need nature-lovers to help us safeguard the precious nature!
Stand Up, Plant for the Future! - Participants of TPC 2009 are being recruited
TPC is a unique activity which combines tree-planting and hiking competition. We sincerely invite you to form tree-planting teams to experience the challenge faced by daily tree-planting workers. After you join TPC, you would treasure every tree in nature.
TPC 2009 will be held at Ping Fung Shan at Pat Sin Leng Country Park, where cases of hillfire broke out since last Autumn. Participants are required to plant a designated number of seedlings and complete an approximate distance of 10 km on a designated hiking course within 6 hours. They should also help delivering seedlings and planting tools from the Seedling Distribution Point uphill to the planting site.
Information about hillfire prevention work will be delivered during the event. Those who join the first time should attend “Tree-planting School” to learn proper tree-planting skills. A limited quota of 600 participants will be offered on a first-come-first-served basis. For details and enrolment, please visit HERE.
