2010年5月18日 星期二

手語初級証書課程 - 想真正把手語學好是好時機了!7月開班了…


If you want to learn sing language is a good time and you can leave Amy a message for reserve the sit to you.

Date 日期:
1. 5/7/2010 至 6/9/2010 (逢星期一 Monday) 課程編號︰20100701
2. 6/7/2010 至 7/9/2010 (逢星期二 Tuesday) 課程編號︰20100702
3. 7/7/2010 至 8/9/2010 (逢星期三 Wednesday) 課程編號︰20100703
4. 9/7/2010 至 17/9/2010 (逢星期五 Friday) 課程編號︰20100704
23/9/2010 中秋節假期 mid-autumn festival 課程順序
5. 10/7/2010 至 11/9/2010 (逢星期六 Saturday) 課程編號︰20100705
6. 11/7/2010 至 12/9/2010 (逢星期日 Sunday) 課程編號︰20100706
Time 時間:
1. 20:00 至 21:30 (每堂個半小時 around 1 & half hour) 星期一至日
2. 16:00 至 17:30 (每堂個半小時 around 1 & half hour) 星期六及日
Place地點:石硤尾 Shek Kip Mei

Cost 費用:$400 (10堂 Lessons)

名額 Participants:20人 最少13人才開班;
Around 20 participants min 13 people will open the class

1. 星期一至五 - 只辦一堂
2. 星期六及日 - 會辦兩堂


This course is handled by "Link of Volunteers" and members have the performance time in the future activities.

Attend over 8 lessons & examination passed will get the certificate from HK Federation of the Deaf & Link of Volunteers.

If the applications are not enough to cover the minimum number of participants. We will contact of the applied participants to move to the available date to open the lesson. Or we will postpone to open the leasson upon receive enough participants to join. Please take note.

This course will be taught by the deaf people.

Join this course will be our members of Link of Volunteers & you will also invite to join the HK Federation of the Deaf with standard fee membership.
