The collective memories of Hong Kong people are the threads that make up the tapestry of the city's vibrant history. To preserve the many past faces of Hong Kong, the MTR collected nostalgic photographs of different districts in past decades for display at MTR stations, enabling today's passengers to retrace yesterday's journeys.
Old images of Wan Chai District are now on display at MTR Wan Chai Station platforms. You are invited to view this unique photographic display and enjoy a walk through history.

歡迎你參與以下「心繫香江 - 重溫往日情」的最新活動:
「心繫香江 - 重溫往日情」 之「拍」出往日情攝影比賽
「心繫香江 - 重溫往日情」 之 灣仔舊地新遊「心」度行
為進一步讓市民了解灣仔區的歷史,港鐵公司與灣仔民間生活館合辦了名為「心繫香江 - 重溫往日情」之灣仔舊地新遊「心」度行文化導賞團。導賞團是由灣仔的舊街坊帶領,讓參加者在旅程中體驗到灣仔區的演變與發展。
You are also invited to join the following "History Alive - Hong Kong Journeys" initiatives:
History Alive - Hong Kong Journeys: Now and Then Photography Competition
Participants may take current photos of the locations depicted in the historic images and submit them on or before 30 September for the chance to win a prize.
History Alive - Hong Kong Journeys: Tour of Wan Chai Past and Present
A series of cultural tours is being jointly organised by the MTR Corporation and Wan Chai Livelihood Place to enhance appreciation of the history of Wan Chai District. Guided by local residents, the tours will enable participants to walk through the journey of change and development in Wan Chai District.